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I found myself endowed by God with certain gifts, and I want to share those gifts with all of you. I do not want to be like the servant who hid his talent, as in the parable told by Christ in Matthew Chapter 25, and so I want to utilize my abilities for the benefit of all and the glory of God. Welcome and enjoy coptic music, and more, for free! Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above. Latest VIDEO ADDED MARCH 24, 2012. LATEST POWERPOINT LESSON ADDED February 16, 2012.
Sign in to add this video to a playlist. الدوافع والاحتياجات النفسية - الأنبا يوأنس أسقف. Sign in to add this video to a playlist. تأملات روحية عن شماله تحت رأسي ويمينه تعانقني -. Sign in to add this video to a playlist. المواظبة علي الصلاة - الانبا يؤانس. Sign in to add this video to a playlist. حلم نبوخذ نصر وحكمة دانيال - الانبا يؤانس. Sign in to add this video to a playlist. أساسيات الحياة المسيحية - لقداسة البابا تواضروس. انا اللي جبته لنفسي - ابونا بولس جورج.
مركز التعاون الدولى وتبادل الثقافات. مركز التعاون الدولى وتبادل الثقافات.